Knee Injuries Can Make Everyday Activities Become Slow And Difficult.

Life slows right down and your overall health can deteriorate quickly.

The good news is that with the right chiropractic care, you can see major improvements and get free from the pain.

What You Need To Know About Knee Pain

Watch this quick video to gain a better understanding of what's going on.

What Is Causing My Knee Pain?

Is it actually my knee that is the problem, or is it stemming from somewhere else?

Most cases of knee pain, excluding direct trauma, are caused by the joint above (Hip) or below (ankle) it.  The knee is classified as a stable hinge joint.  Our knee moves primarly in two directions, forward and backward.  Because it is a stable joint, the causes of knee pain typically are trauma and micro trauma. 

Trauma would occur in a specific accident where the knee was affected, such as a fall or being tackled in a football game.  Microtrauma is the daily stresses put on our knee.  Every step we take puts stress on your knee.  If you have weak ankles or hips it causes imbalance in your knee.  This imbalance can cause pain because the knee is not functioning exactly how it was meant to.  When assessing knee pain, it is important to examine the hip and ankle to determine their effect on the knee.  

Why Are You Experiencing So Much Pain?

If you take 10,000 steps a day, that is 10,000 times your knee is utilized


Our knees take a beating throughout our lives.  Every single step we take puts our entire bodyweight onto our knee.  If our weight is distributed unequally it puts excessive pressure on either the inside or outside of our knee.  Take this movement and do it 10,000 times a day for 5 months and you can see why your knee is hurting.  

Having proper biomechanics in the lower body is necessary for proper knee health.  Most knee aches seen are due to soft tissue strain caused by overuse.  Utilze proper mechanics to better help strenghten and stabilize your knee.   

What Are The Symptoms Of Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar Tendonitis is caused by excessive loading of the patellar tendon

The pain can be aggrevated by walking downhill or down stairs. Longstanding misalignment can cause damage to the cartilage, which results in pain on the top or bottom of the kneecap with every step.  To treat patellar tendonitis it is important to properly load the patellar tendon and access the strength of the quadricep muscles.

  • Prolonged walking
  • Running
  • Squatting
  • Jumping
  • Stair climbing
  • Rising from a seated position.


How Do We Treat Knee Pain?

Chiropractic care and corrective movements are often successful at relieving knee pain

Initially, it is important for you to modify activities that provoke your pain - especially running, jumping and activities that stress your knee.

Performing at home exercises consistently is one of the most important modalities that you can do to help take load off of specific tissues, relieve pain and prevent a recurrence. The use of home ice or ice massage applied around your kneecap for 10-15 minutes, several times per day may be helpful.

Don't Let Knee Pain Stop You From Living Your Life

Make the decision to break free from knee pain and book an appointment today.

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